On one end lies conscious awareness, or mindfulness. Both mindfuless and zoning out, and all the points in-between, are useful, argue cognitive scientists Todd Kashdan and Robert Biswas-Diener in their new book, The Upside of Your Dark Side: Why Being Your Whole Self—Not Just Your “Good Self”—Drives Success and Fulfillment. “And you can’t.” (“God, and why would you even want to?” Biswas-Diener added. “Oh my God, that sounds horrible.”) “You
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts – Former US Treasury Official, Co-Founder of Reaganomics, Economist & Acclaimed Author – Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is an American economist, a columnist and recent author of “The Failure Of Laissez Faire Capitalism”. He served as an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration earning fame as a co-founder of Reaganomics. He is a former editor and columnist for the Wall Street Journal, Business
Today former US Treasury official, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, gave a shocking interview to King World News covering criminal activity by the U.S. Federal Reserve. He also discussed the outrageous action in the gold and silver markets, and why the West is so desperate. Below is what Dr. Roberts had to say in this stunning interview. Eric King: “Dr. Roberts, there has been speculation about who is really behind this
(NaturalNews) You are now living in an era of extreme censorship of truthful news. All news outlets that engage in real journalism by asking skeptical questions about government, Ebola, national debt, vaccines, GMOs and other “sensitive” topics are systematically censored by all online…
On the heels of a weaker than expected jobs report in the U.S. that sent the gold market surging nearly $30, today Michael Pento warned King World News that the world is about to fall into a terrifying deflationary crater. Pento also discussed what he is doing with his firm’s money ahead of the coming chaos. By Michael Pento of Pento Portfolio Strategies November 7 (King World News) – This
“I have a deadly disease, and I’m going to die in six weeks.” Thus ominously begins a video ad campaign commissioned by the Flemish government to discourage its citizens from obsessively researching medical symptoms on the Internet. If the leap from common symptom to rare, deadly disease sounds ridiculous to you, then you might be one of the few people who have never searched for health information on the Web.
Today one of the top people in Hong Kong spoke with King World News about a nightmare scenario for the shorts in the gold market. Hedge fund manager William Kaye, who 25 years ago worked for Goldman Sachs in mergers and acquisitions, also discussed what it would mean for the gold shorts if this terrifying scenario started to unfold. Below is what Kaye had to say in this extraordinary interview.
Erica, at the event that provoked her lifestyle change (left). After her weightloss (right). (Photos courtesy of Erica Stigliano) We’ve all experienced that moment of realization in life when a powerful emotion spurs you to make a change. Here, we profile Erica Stigliano, 32, on the instant she decided to get serious about losing weight, and what motivated her to do it. Name: Erica Stigliano Age: 32 Location: Robbinsville, NJ Height:
In fact, the rate of infectious disease outbreaks is on the rise, according to the researchers’ analysis of 12,102 outbreaks of 215 diseases over 33 years (1980-2013). It’s not just the number of outbreaks that’s growing, either—the diversity of the diseases affecting humans is also increasing. Why, in an age of modern medicine, are infectious diseases able to strengthen their foothold? “We are living in a much more interconnected world,”
Gone Girl’s” Amy Elliot Dunne could be a psychopath, she could have narcissistic personality disorder – or she could just be a girl gone wild.