After the major breakout in the gold and silver markets, this is the problem for investors.

Don’t Fight The Last Battle
July 19 (
King World News) – Bill Fleckenstein:  “One of the things I have consistently pointed out and I even talked about this before the market really broke out is that in the next leg, which we are now in, it was going to be hard for people to stay with their positions because everyone has been trained to fight the last battle — what happened in the last 6 years which was either down or sideways.  So people are going to try to…to continue listening to the timely audio interview with Bill Fleckenstein CLICK HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW.

Gold & Silver Pulled Back, But This Is Truly Remarkable
READ THIS NEXT! Bill Fleckenstein Interview – Don’t Get Left Behind In This Gold & Silver Bull Market CLICK HERE TO READ


More articles to follow…

In the meantime, other important releases…

Gold & Silver War Heats Up: Despite Pullback, This Is Truly Remarkable CLICK HERE TO READ

Peter Schiff Just Warned “QE Infinity Is Coming” Plus Silver Has Been On A Tear! CLICK HERE TO READ

Gold Surges Near $1,450: Major Gold Alert Just Issued By Gerald Celente CLICK HERE TO READ

Another Bullish Gold Catalyst, Economic Downturn Getting Worse, Plus It’s Not Just Sovereign Bonds That Have Negative Yields CLICK HERE TO READ

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