Below is an email from a KWN reader that takes a trip down the rabbit hole of a golden conspiracy. King World News cannot confirm any of the information. What we do know is that a great deal of the US gold hoard has been used for London Gold Pool II and that scheme is slowly or some might say quickly imploding.

A Golden Conspiracy?
February 12 (King World News) –
Email from a KWN reader:  Regarding the email about the game changer of standing for delivery I’d like to explain a greater theory of gold.

Great Britain was the wealthiest empire ever, it financed the US railways and largely owned US industry for example. Yet pre war it purportedly owned 40% of the USA (I majored in economic history and this is what was said) yet by 1950s had lost everything. This seems unlikely. Clearly from a state level this was true but underlying wealth? Unlikely too. You are no doubt aware of the notion that DC, the Vatican and the City of London are independent states. Owned I believe by a group that dates back 3000 years. 

Jan Halper-Hayes has long stated that Trump emptied the Vatican of “trucks of gold”. As to America holders of paper gold in the early 70s took out so much gold from the USA that Nixon had to say enough is enough. Lord Cromer the British ambassador was sent packing when he demanded UK’s paper to be honoured in physical gold. We know that Fort Knox has not been audited since.

The big question who was able to get their gold from the Fed before Nixon closed the gold window? One theory (impossible to prove) is that it was the entity “City of London Corporation” as well as the “Vatican”  that swapped their  paper for gold before the gold window was closed. Therefore there is an enormous stash in London that is not part of the official gold holdings and not known about. Those in the know (assume Trump et al) know exactly where that gold went. They went for the Vatican stash first  and soon the City of London stash will also be confiscated. Meanwhile the rush to convert paper gold into physical gold has started, will continue unabated and this will push the price up to $40,000 imho. Helped by the fact that the bullion banks including the fed and some central banks are short.

Of course these Babylonian gold holdings will be the foundation of a new gold backed currency. Perhaps even this year.

Best regards
John Smith

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