2025 Is Going To Be Wild For Silver And The US Dollar. Take A Look…
2025 is going to be wild for silver and the US dollar. Take a look…
2025 is going to be wild for silver and the US dollar. Take a look…
2025 is going to be wild for silver and the US dollar. Take a look…
Get ready for US capital controls because it’s coming. Take a look…
Today Nomi Prins, who has given keynote speeches to the IMF, Federal Reserve and World Bank, told King World News that gold has been the light in this volatility storm.
What a wild week of trading. Look at the aftermath of the chaos.
This week had it all, and the “Golden Age” for these stocks is about to be unleashed!
The biggest financial bubble in the history of financial bubbles continues to unwind.
A staggering 40% of Americans say living in U.S. not worth it.
This market just flashed a major danger signal!
King World News had been warning in many audio interviews for the past couple of months that the world would see a Trump Plaza Accord II. Just as KWN predicted, it is now here and it is being marketed as the “Mar-a-Lago Accord.” Take a look…
Here is a look at tariff wars, stagflation and fiat money.
Big moves in global markets as volatility increases and gold price continues to surge.
As we continue to kickoff 2025, things are tough all over, plus a look at US dollar troubles.
Michael Oliver, the man who is well known for his deadly accurate forecasts on stocks, bonds, and major markets, communicated to King World News as gold futures broke above $2,990.
$10,000 gold is still on the horizon despite volatility.
Bullion banks are covering short positions in the gold market as the price retreats, but look at what is happening behind the scenes.
Look at what just hit the highest level since 2007.
Today the man who has become legendary for his predictions on QE and historic moves in currencies and metals communicated to King World News that the world will be stunned by this market move in 2025.
The US economy is shutting down rapidly – expect widespread unemployment and much higher inflation.
Today Former US Treasury Secretary Paul Craig Roberts takes King World News readers around the world on a trip down the rabbit hole of missing gold, corruption, and a desperate attempt to save the world’s reserve currency.
Well, it appears that the US economy does in fact depend more than ever on rich people.