On the heels of increased geopolitical tensions, particularly in Ukraine, and the Greeks manevering to avoid default, today legendary Marc Faber warned King World News that the “Frankenstein” global financial system is going to collapse.
With many people around the globe worried about the chaos in Greece and increased fighting in Ukraine, today legendary Marc Faber spoke with King World News about the biggest surprise for 2015 and the greatest danger facing the world today. This is the first in a series of interviews with Faber that will be released today.
Today Greece has rejected bailouts ahead of the emergency meetings, Alan Greenspan has now predicted the collapse of the euro and the Greek Finance Minister has also warned that the euro will collapse if Greece exits! With that chaotic backdrop, below are 7 terrifying warnings that the Greek disaster is now set to catapult the world into a global meltdown.
With dramatic events continuing to unfold in Europe, Russia and major markets, today one of the greats in the business sent King World News a fantastic piece that covers everything from the revolt in the gold and silver markets to violent swings in key markets across the globe.
On the heels of another wild trading week in world markets, today one of the top economists in the world sent King World News an incredibly powerful piece warning that the public’s faith in Western central planners is about to collapse. Below is the fantastic piece from Michael Pento.
Eric Sprott: Founder of Sprott Asset Management (SAM) – Eric has over 40 years of experience in the investment industry and SAM manages over $7 billion. Eric has been stunningly accurate in his writings for over a decade, and is one of the most respected industry professionals who predicted the current crisis….
Today billionaire Eric Sprott spoke with King World News about the greatest danger in world markets today. This came directly on the heels of the Canadian billionaire issuing one of the most dire predictions of 2015.
Eric Sprott: Founder of Sprott Asset Management (SAM) – Eric has over 40 years of experience in the investment industry and SAM manages over $7 billion. Eric has been stunningly accurate in his writings for over a decade, and is one of the most respected industry professionals who predicted the current crisis…
Today a legend who was recently asked by the Chinese government to give a speech to a large number of government officials in China warned King World News that the West is now desperately maneuvering ahead of major global turoil. John Ing, who has been in the business for 43 years, also warned about chaos, disarray and outright war.
Today billionaire Eric Sprott warned King World News that massive derivatives losses have already taken place and they are currently being hidden from the public. He then issued one of the most dire predictions of 2015.