
Personal trainers sweat as Washington, D.C., readies new rules

A battle is brewing in Washington as the capital city prepares to regulate personal fitness trainers in a move that could ripple through the country’s booming $24 billion gym industry and its fight against flab. The District of Columbia, whose residents are generally fitter than the rest of the country, is set to adopt the United States’ first regulations on trainers, following a law passed by the city council last

China tells patients to go local to cut costs, improve access

China will push patients to seek medical treatment locally in a bid to overhaul a over-burdened healthcare system where wide gaps between urban and rural care often mean people travel hundreds of miles to seek help in cities. The country is aiming that by 2017 all patients with serious illnesses will receive treatment within their own county, the State Council said in a statement laying out various ways to improve

Beyond Disneyland: Where Else to Go in Orange County

For many travelers, California’s Orange County is regarded as a place for amusement parks, or as the backdrop for television series and reality shows. But there’s so much more to the area, especially in the southern part. South Orange County is not only home to the wealthy, but also offers world-class shopping, dining, and extraordinary attractions. And because it’s located between Los Angeles and San Diego, it’s an ideal place

5 Must-See Places in Utah

Utah is known for its world-class skiing around Park City as well as its “Mighty Five” national parks, including Bryce Canyon, Zion, and Arches. But there’s much more to explore in this state, which is also home to red rocks, dinosaur fossils, and otherworldly landscapes. While the scenery is impressive, Utah is also a playground for high-octane activities such as whitewater rafting and mountain biking on “slickrock” sandstone. Whether you’re