Posts From King World News

High risk medical devices backed by few studies

Studies of how the devices work once they are on the market are also few and far between, according to a new study that looked at all 28 high-risk devices approved in 2010 and 2011 by the FDA Premarket Approval pathway “Medical device regulation in the U.S. is well known to be more rigorous than in other parts of the world,” but there had not been a comprehensive review of

This Is Your Favorite Drink as a Lollipop (and It Isn't Pretty)

Henry Hargreaves made lollipops using dehydrated sugar from several sweet beverages like Coca-Cola, Mountain Dew, Powerade, Snapple, and Zico coconut water. The confections are much larger than the average lollipop, and the thickest include those made from Coca-Cola (39 grams of sugar per 12-ounce can) and Mountain Dew (46 grams of sugar per 12-ounce can). The pop created from Zico coconut water, which contains 14 grams of sugar per 11-ounce

Omega-3 may block psychosis years later: study

Omega-3, a fatty acid found in oily fish, may prevent the onset of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders long after being consumed, according to a study released Tuesday. Up to seven years after taking omega-3 supplements for 12 weeks, young people at “ultra-high” risk were less likely to have suffered the debilitating condition than a control group given a placebo, reported the study. Schizophrenia is characterised by delusions and hallucinations,

Omega-3 may block psychosis years later: study

Omega-3, a fatty acid found in oily fish, may prevent the onset of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders long after being consumed, according to a study released Tuesday. Up to seven years after taking omega-3 supplements for 12 weeks, young people at “ultra-high” risk were less likely to have suffered the debilitating condition than a control group given a placebo, reported the study. Schizophrenia is characterised by delusions and hallucinations,

This Is Your Favorite Drink as a Lollipop (and It Isn't Pretty)

Henry Hargreaves made lollipops using dehydrated sugar from several sweet beverages like Coca-Cola, Mountain Dew, Powerade, Snapple, and Zico coconut water. The confections are much larger than the average lollipop, and the thickest include those made from Coca-Cola (39 grams of sugar per 12-ounce can) and Mountain Dew (46 grams of sugar per 12-ounce can). The pop created from Zico coconut water, which contains 14 grams of sugar per 11-ounce

Lower thyroid cancer risk with chamomile tea

(NaturalNews) Chamomile, the attractive, daisy-like flower that is native to many parts of Europe, has a long history of medicinal use that stretches back to the time of ancient Rome. It is most popularly known for its ability to promote relaxation, stress relief and a good night’s…