This all-time record shows how powerful gold’s performance has been in 2020.

GOLD: All-Time Record
April 16 (
King World News) – The Gold/Oil ratio has never been this high, even during the Great Depression.

WOW! The Gold/Oil Ratio Just Hit A Staggering 85/1!

A Gold Mine For Producers
My good friend, Pierre Lassonde, has mentioned a number of times that this is extremely bullish for gold producers. The massive distortion in the gold/oil ratio is raining cash on the high-quality companies that mine gold. As they produce gold, their number one input cost, (oil, which is between 20%-28% of total production costs) has literally collapsed. Look for all-time record cash flows from producers as soon as these companies are able to resume full-time production.

Buckle Up Things Are Going To Get Even Worse
***Also just released:
This Is How Bad Things Have Become But Buckle Up Because It Will Get Even Worse CLICK HERE.

To listen to Egon von Greyerz discuss the market chaos and what to expect next click here or on the image below.

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