Tag "3"
(NaturalNews) After the disappointment of failing to get GMO labeling passed in Washington in 2013 (I-522), the citizens of Washington have banded together to pass an even more powerful initiative that would claw back the rights of the people from the clutches of billionaire multinational…
(NaturalNews) A July 30 letter to the editor of a local newspaper from a retired geologist appears to have predicted the Environmental Protection Agency’s disastrous chemical spill into a major Colorado River tributary that happened just days later.As noted in earlier reports…
(NaturalNews) In so many ways in the Information Age, Americans are powerless to thwart violations of privacy. Be it consumer companies, retail firms, or the federal government, it seems like our personal data is now an open book.But in many ways Americans invite invasions of…
(NaturalNews) At least eight people were injured and one killed during a recent scuffle in Brazil over the use of agricultural land for genetically-modified organisms (GMOs). A peasant movement known as “Via Campesina” had been protesting a 304-acre farm owned by biotechnology giant…
(NaturalNews) Most people who are health-conscious – even if they are living a fit lifestyle – worry at least a little bit about the possibility of a heart attack. Heart disease in general is a big problem. As a matter of fact, it is the number one killer in America and in several…
(NaturalNews) In the aftermath of the ongoing Planned Parenthood saga, in which this pro-abortion eugenics group was exposed for illegally harvesting and selling aborted baby body parts for profit (which is a felony crime), the political left is now drum-beating the message that Planned…
(NaturalNews) It looks like there’s more trouble in Vaccineland, as UK-based jab giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) has been exposed for peddling a swine flu vaccine that caused brain damage in potentially thousands of children. But rather than be held responsible, GSK is actually billing…
(NaturalNews) What’s the cure for an unending, unrelenting season of hotter than average summer weather, especially if you’re pregnant? Some of the best foods for a much-needed break from the heat also provide other pregnancy-related benefits. Here are some of the best two-for-one…
(NaturalNews) Even after being given an opportunity to do the right thing and correct their falsified report, PolitiFact Georgia, which laughably claims to be an “independent fact-checking journalism website,” stated that they have “reviewed” their “sourcing” and have decided to stand…