Gold bull catalysts are on the way as Russia prepares to Chair BRICS, and more proof another inflation wave is about to hit.

Russia To Chair BRICS
June 21 (King World News) –  
Alasdair Macleod:  The intensification of conflict between the western alliance and the Asian hegemons is speeding up. America and NATO have lost control, and their fate is now in the hands of Russia and China.

A number of disparate elements are coming together, demanding resolution. But the western alliance is not as battle ready as Russia. The former has not innovated weapons sufficiently and doesn’t possess the hypersonic missiles of Russia, China and her allies. And the Europeans, including Britain, are too socially degraded as cohesive nations to recruit sufficient troops for their depleted armies. Talk of recruitment or even national service in these nations is unrealistic. It is not an exaggeration to say that politically, European NATO members are disintegrating.

The pressure to go nuclear is mounting, particularly for America which wants Russia destroyed and has proved to be unconcerned with collateral damage to its allies. Her wars and operations in Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Afghanistan have created acute refugee problems in Europe. And countless Ukrainians have been slaughtered without any regret. But America can now only maintain her global dominance by unleashing a third world war. That she will retain European allies in this path to Europe’s own destruction is irrational.

Only last week at the G7 meeting in Italy, plans to sequester and divert interest on Russia’s reserves to fund Ukraine’s armaments were finalised. Legally, this is theft of Russia’s property. The West has signalled to the rest of the world its contempt for property rights — and Russia has made sure the world is aware of it.

This is the year of Russia’s chairmanship of BRICS, to be followed by China in 2025. Not only is the membership due to be expanded, but having failed to get a gold-backed trade settlement onto the Johannesburg agenda last August we can be sure that Russia has updated her plans for this year’s meeting in Kazan in October.

More Proof Another Inflation Wave Is About To Hit
Peter Boockvar:
  S&P Global:  
On inflation, S&P Global said:

“stubbornly persistent service sector inflation remains evident in the survey.”

You hear me keep talking about rising shipping costs and the belief that goods prices have bottomed and they said:

companies’ costs are rising, most notably in manufacturing, where shipping costs in particular are spiking again and adding to a renewed rise in inflationary pressures from goods.”

Bottom Line
King World News note:  When you are going through phase III of a gold bull market almost all surprises are on the upside. That is why many investors get left behind as they cleverly try to time getting in and out of positions only to be left on the sidelines. Remain patient and accumulate physical gold, silver and the high-quality mining and exploration stocks.

To listen to Alasdair Macleod discuss the wild trading in the gold and silver markets this week and much more CLICK HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW.

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