Dimon Sees Clouds Lifting

James Dimon says the regulatory cloud is lifting above J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. But the CEO still forecasts some squalls ahead. In his annual shareholder letter released late Wednesday, Mr. Dimon blamed legal and regulatory costs for weighing on the firm’s share price but said he expects the firm’s legal costs to “normalize” in 2016. The chief executive said the bank still faces legal uncertainty, highlighting continuing foreign-exchange settlement

The oil industry's $26 Billion life raft

For U.S. shale drillers, the crash in oil prices came with a $26 billion safety net. At the top of the list are the same Wall Street banks that financed the biggest energy boom in U.S. history, including JPMorgan Chase & Co., Bank of America Corp., Citigroup Inc. and Wells Fargo & Co.

Apple says smartwatch demand to exceed supply at launch

Apple Inc said on Thursday demand for its new smartwatch would exceed supply when the gadget hits stores on April 24. Apple said it saw “tremendous interest” for the watch from people visiting its stores and website. The Apple Watch could make life easier for people on the move, but the gadget got poor marks for battery life and slow-loading apps from reviewers.