
Three Infections You Should Worry About More Than Ebola

Photo by Our nation has been struck with Ebola fever— not literally, of course, but rather by a rising tide of fear that the virus will sweep across the United States. “The idea that Ebola will take over the United States is an unfounded fear,” said Dr. Liise-Anne Pirofski, chief of infectious diseases at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Because the incubation period is relatively brief— only 2 to 21 days

Trampoline Fitness: Bounce Your Way to a Buff Body

Classes usually deliver full-body strength and cardio workouts performed entirely on the trampoline. You can’t help but smile when you’re on a trampoline,” said Michael Browning, owner of Urban Air Indoor Trampoline Parks. “You don’t realize how hard you’re working.” A Growing Trend Park owners and fitness instructors say they’ve seen exponential growth in the popularity of trampoline workouts over the past two to three years. “It’s exciting to see

How Stress Messes With Your Workout

The researchers wanted to see if mental burnout would affect physical performance. “Brain tissue is similar to muscle tissue—at some point the tissue is going to fatigue,” said Ranjana Mehta, a biomechanics researcher at Texas A&M Health Science Center who was not affiliated with the study. “You can be tired after a hard day using your mind at work and with things going on in your life, and then not