
Why conventional agriculture should be banned

(NaturalNews) When chemicals were first introduced in farming, everyone marveled at what they could do. Yields were dramatically increased. In the beginning, the soil was so healthy, any damage done by chemical fertilizers was imperceptible, and pests had yet to evolve resistance…

Five major signs of a magnesium deficiency

(NaturalNews) Magnesium is an essential macromineral that performs a huge number of important roles in the body. It is responsible for regulating enzyme reactions (including reactions that create RDN and DNA), transporting essential ions across our cell membranes, assisting in the…

BPA plastics chemical causing sperm count decline

(NaturalNews) A recent study conducted by researchers from Washington State University substantiates earlier claims regarding the connection between endocrine mimickers, such as bisphenol A (BPA), and fertility complications in men and women, according to a report by the Press Association…

Standing increases longevity and builds telomeres

(NaturalNews) Standing up is good for your health. People who stand live longer and have longer telomeres, an indicator of good health and longevity. Sitting is tied to disease and aging. Research has now shown that standing instead of sitting can prevent telomere shortening. Circuit…