(NaturalNews) The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has reversed an earlier decision that allowed participants in the so-called “Occupy Wall Street” movement to sue New York City police following a mass arrest on the Brooklyn Bridge four years ago.As reported by Courthouse News…
(NaturalNews) According to published reports, the U.S. economy grew by nearly 300,000 jobs in February, making the unemployment rate fall to 5.5 percent – the lowest of President Obama’s tenure – so the nation is well on its way to post-Great Recession recovery, right?Not so fast…
(NaturalNews) Water is a precious commodity and one that is necessary for life. Recently, the residents of a Chinese village were shocked and disturbed to discover the reason behind the change in the way their water tasted. Much to their horror, these villagers realized that dead…
(NaturalNews) The grand socialist experiment in Venezuela begun by the great revolutionary, the late Hugo Chavez, continues to perform as expected in the South American nation — which is, to say, poorly.So much so, in fact, that even McDonald’s restaurants are now running out…
(NaturalNews) As currencies adjust to changing economic conditions around the world, there have been a series of financial events that, taken together, are beginning to form a pattern that could mean disaster in the months ahead.The latest event, the decoupling of the Swiss franc…
Don’t make the mistake of dismissing introverts as irrelevant. In their quiet and thoughtful way, they have a lot to teach us.
It’s a familiar scenario for many: you’re at the gym when you unintentionally overhear the two nice women on the treadmills next to you discussing the parameters of their exercise routines, or a trainer doling out a piece of fitness advice to their client.Click Here to see the Complete List of The Worst Fitness AdviceYou catch something they…
PARIS (AP) — Paris will cut the number of cars on the road in half beginning Monday and is making public transit free to combat a spike in pollution that has obscured even the Eiffel Tower under a smoggy haze.
By Ben Blanchard BEIJING (Reuters) – Beijing’s bid to host the 2022 Winter Olympics will spur the city in its fight against a serious air pollution, a senior official said on Saturday, putting an overall figure of $7.6 billion on efforts to tackle the issue. While Beijing made strenuous efforts to clean up its air in time for the 2008 summer Olympics, the city still suffers from terrible smog, so
MONROVIA, Liberia (AP) — Liberian officials are meeting Saturday to discuss how the country’s latest Ebola patient became infected, after weeks with no cases of the disease in the country.