
British legislators overwhelmingly reject 'right to die' law

British lawmakers on Friday rejected a “right to die” bill that would have allowed terminally ill adults to end their lives with medical supervision. It marks another blow to a long campaign to introduce such legislation in Britain, which has attracted support from figures as diverse as the late fantasy author Terry Pratchett and billionaire entrepreneur Richard Branson. Prime Minister David Cameron is against any move to legalize assisted dying.

Pilot program helps low-income preschoolers learn to like veggies

By Kathryn Doyle (Reuters Health) – In a pilot study, the Harvest for Healthy Kids programs helped preschoolers in Head Start centers be willing to try and to like foods like butternut squash, turnips and asparagus. “We know that children develop their food preferences based on early experiences with foods, so it is important to introduce healthy foods in early years,” said lead author Betty T. Izumi of Portland State

Amgen seeks FDA approval for monthly dosing option for Repatha

(Reuters) – Amgen Inc said on Friday it had asked the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to approve a monthly single-dosing option for its recently approved cholesterol drug, Repatha. The FDA approved Repatha – one of two expensive treatments in a new class of injectable “bad cholesterol”-lowering drugs called PCSK9 inhibitors – in late August. Repatha is approved for patients with hereditary forms of high cholesterol – heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia