
Researchers filmed themselves dressed as apes and terrorising humans, for science

Apes can recognise bits of movies and anticipate them, according to Japanese researchers who filmed themselves wearing King Kong costumes and carrying out attacks on people to prove it. Fumihiro Kano and Satoshi Hirata recorded a pair of short movies. In the first, a character in an ape costume terrorises humans. In the second, a human uses a tool to attack someone in an ape costume. Here’s the first movie,

Apple customers report devices crashing on iOS 9 update

SAN FRANCISCO/SYDNEY (Reuters) – A significant number of Apple Inc customers are reporting their mobile devices have crashed after attempting to upload the new iOS 9 operating system, the latest in a line of launch glitches for the tech giant. Twitter and other social media were awash with disgruntled customers reporting two distinct faults, with one appearing to be linked specifically to older models of Apple iPhones and iPads. “It