Posts From King World News

Google can tell you if solar roof panels will pay off

Google has got a good look at your roof, and can tell you if it is worth the investment to install solar energy panels. The US tech giant said its “Project Sunroof” online tool is now available in the area around San Francisco and Fresno in California and around Boston, Massachusetts. The new tool “uses high-resolution aerial mapping (the same used by Google Earth) to help you calculate your roof’s

Google can tell you if solar roof panels will pay off

Google has got a good look at your roof, and can tell you if it is worth the investment to install solar energy panels. The US tech giant said its “Project Sunroof” online tool is now available in the area around San Francisco and Fresno in California and around Boston, Massachusetts. The new tool “uses high-resolution aerial mapping (the same used by Google Earth) to help you calculate your roof’s

EPA to propose rules to curb methane emissions from oil and gas sector: source

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will propose regulations on Tuesday aimed at cutting methane emissions from the oil and gas sector by 40 to 45 percent over the next decade from 2012 levels, a source familiar with the issue said on Monday. The regulations on methane are one part of the Obama administration’s strategy to curb greenhouse gases and combat climate change. The targets in Tuesday’s proposal are in line