Posts From King World News

Tumors grown in dishes could help customize cancer treatment

Experiments conducted at an underground laboratory at Vanderbilt University could prove vital in the fight against cancer. Alex Walsh, a biomedical researcher, is using a laser to make what she calls organoids glow. The organoid is then dosed with a cocktail of cancer drugs and placed under a microscope at which point it is blasted with a laser. Measuring the variations in the intensity of the resulting fluorescence provides a

Tenet forms JV to create largest U.S. ambulatory surgery provider

(Reuters) – Tenet Healthcare Corp said it would create the largest provider of ambulatory surgery services in the United States through a joint venture with United Surgical Partners International (USPI), with the option to buy USPI over five years. Tenet said it will pay $425 million to private equity firm Welsh, Carson, Anderson & Stowe and other USPI shareholders and assume $1.5 billion of USPI’s debt for a 50.1 percent

Obamacare at Five

In the five years since the Affordable Care Act (ACA) became law, we’ve seen more progress in expanding health care to millions than in the last four decades combined. The ACA has translated into real reform and real changes that help real people. An incredible 16.4 million have gained coverage through the ACA, and those gains are only the…

Top 10 reasons GMOs should be labeled

(NaturalNews) We all know that genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have not been proven safe based on the fact that there are no long-term studies on the health affects of GMOs or their associated pesticides. However, many skeptics insist that, because there are few studies showing…

Homemade calcium and magnesium eggshell recipe

(NaturalNews) The need for calcium and magnesium for growing and maintaining a healthy body has been well established for decades. Absorbing these nutrients isn’t so easy. Most mineral supplements come from inorganic matter that is not bioavailable. In fact, taking a calcium or a…