Posts From King World News

6 Ways You're Healthier Than You Think

So you’re not “eating clean,” training for a marathon or meditating before your restorative nap each day? Relax — you still might be healthier than you think.By Carlin Flora1. You talk about whole foods more than you eat them, but you speak two languages.Lifelong bilinguals are protected against the onset of dementia, compared with…

7 Truths About Personal Power

It is a fundamental need to search for and express your personal freedom and power in life. It is through experiencing our unrestricted freedom that happiness comes. You are here to gain from struggle your higher standards for the living and loving you dream to experience. Empower yourself to stay motivated in overcoming the fears which keep…

Digital channels influenced $1.5T in-store sales in 2014: report

Michael Kors uses Snapchat More than 70 percent of consumers expect brand digital channels to have knowledge of in-store product availability, according to a new report by L2. Accommodating both digital and in-store trends requires brands to adapt to ecommerce expectations of click-and-collect or free shipping, but also adhere to in-store demands. Many traditional brands face pressure from online retailers to offer better options for consumers turning to digital for