Posts From King World News

The First Salad Of Spring

Every other Thursday, Elizabeth Stark from Brooklyn Supper will help you make salads you actually want to eat. Related: How to pack a jar salad for work or an easy lunch (Photo: Elizabeth Stark) Related: Delicious salads for the reluctant salad eater Food writers talk about vegetables like they’re a stable thing, but the truth is that good fresh food is a moving target — it’s a bit different every time you

Red Cross calls for 24-hour ceasefire in Yemen to deliver aid

By Stephanie Nebehay and Mohammad Mukhashaf GENEVA/ADEN (Reuters) – The International Committee of the Red Cross appealed on Saturday for an immediate 24-hour halt to hostilities in Yemen to deliver life-saving medical aid into the country where it said the humanitarian situation was dire. The Saudi-led military coalition conducting air strikes in Yemen was still blocking three shipments of aid and medical staff, aid agency said earlier. Talks were being

France halts search for bodies at Germanwings crash site

French investigators have ended their search for bodies in the Alps where a Germanwings passenger jet crashed last month, killing all 150 people on board, a local official said on Saturday. Prosecutors believe German co-pilot Andreas Lubitz deliberately flew the Airbus A320 jet into the mountainside during a flight from Barcelona to Dusseldorf, pulverizing the aircraft and making recovery efforts extremely complicated. “The search for bodies is over, but the

Meningitis epidemic kills 45 in Niger

A meningitis epidemic that broke out in January in Niger has so far killed 45 people, the health minister told AFP on Saturday. “From January 1 to March 29, 2015, some 345 cases of meningitis, including 45 fatalities, have been reported, which is a fatality rate of 15.3 percent,” the minister, Mano Aghali, said. Niger has distributed 13,500 doses of the vaccine and medicines are being administered free of charge