Posts From King World News

The Family Dinner

The family dinner may itself be an endangered species in this modern era of fast food, electronic distractions, and isolated eating on-the-fly. The composition of that meal may be among the reasons other species are endangered, and that confluence is today’s harangue. But we may begin with our own species.We know what Homo sapiens should eat….

The Family Dinner

The family dinner may itself be an endangered species in this modern era of fast food, electronic distractions, and isolated eating on-the-fly. The composition of that meal may be among the reasons other species are endangered, and that confluence is today’s harangue. But we may begin with our own species.We know what Homo sapiens should eat….

Looking ahead for global health

Half of the world’s population is at risk of malaria. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that around 198 million people contract malaria and that over half a million die every year. If we take a step back and digest these numbers we are looking at over 1,000 people dying every day, most of them children. In fact, the WHO says that…