Posts From King World News

Android M Nexus devices to get a two-year update guarantee?

When you buy a new phone, how long is it going to be able to run the latest software for? It’s that kind of buyer anxiety that Google is hoping to do away with, according to the latest rumour reported by Android Police. Sources speaking to the site say Android M Nexus devices will be guaranteed to get updates for two years. Apparently the program will be applied retrospectively too,

innovators: Tech innovators: Elon Musk

Age: 43 Company: SpaceX, Tesla Best known for: online payments, electric cars, rockets, travel Quote: “Failure is an option here. If things are not failing, you are not innovating enough.” His Twitter profile may be a playful send up of James Bond’s arch nemesis Blofeld, but Elon Musk’s billions have thankfully been put to making the world a better place rather than destroying it. That’s not to say that some

How Windows 10 will change smartphones forever

Introduction and redefining the phone Phones have had a renaissance over the past half-decade. Gone is the idea that they are used simply for calls and texting, replaced by an all-capable device that can run apps, surf the internet, video call and more. Led by the iPhone in 2007, touchscreen technology and software improvements have meant that phones no longer need a keyboard and can have a large screen and