Posts From King World News

Florida college ends use of students for vaginal probe training

By Barbara Liston ORLANDO, Fla. (Reuters) – A Florida community college under fire for allowing female sonography students to perform vaginal probes on one another as part of their class instruction said it will cease the practice for good. The announcement by Valencia College on Tuesday followed a lawsuit filed on May 14 by two students who accused the school of bullying them into enduring the invasive probes and threatening

Florida college ends use of students for vaginal probe training

By Barbara Liston ORLANDO, Fla. (Reuters) – A Florida community college under fire for allowing female sonography students to perform vaginal probes on one another as part of their class instruction said it will cease the practice for good. The announcement by Valencia College on Tuesday followed a lawsuit filed on May 14 by two students who accused the school of bullying them into enduring the invasive probes and threatening

Appeals court strikes down Arkansas 12-week abortion ban

(Reuters) – A U.S. appeals court on Wednesday struck down an Arkansas law that banned abortion at 12 weeks of pregnancy, upholding a lower court’s decision last year that had blocked the law. The Arkansas law violates a woman’s right to terminate a pregnancy at a point before the viability of the fetus, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit said. Two doctors challenged the Arkansas law, which