Posts From King World News

Obama says 'handful of senators' blocking surveillance reforms

By Patricia Zengerle and Roberta Rampton WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. President Barack Obama warned on Friday that surveillance powers used to prevent attacks on Americans could lapse at midnight on Sunday unless “a handful of senators” stop standing in the way of reform legislation. Obama said he had told Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and other senators that he expects them to act swiftly on a bill passed by

Presidential disaster declaration signed after Texas storms kill 21

By Lisa Maria Garza and Jim Forsyth DALLAS (Reuters) – U.S. President Barack Obama signed a disaster declaration late on Friday for areas in Texas hammered by severe weather that killed at least 21 people, caused massive flooding and prompted evacuations this week. Storms that battered North Texas on Thursday and Friday added more runoff to swollen rivers and prompted hundreds of calls for help in Dallas, where some areas

U.S. military orders review as anthrax mishap widens

By Phil Stewart WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. military said on Friday it discovered even more suspected shipments of live anthrax than previously thought, both in the United States and abroad, and ordered a sweeping review of practices meant to inactivate the bacteria. The Pentagon said a total of 11 states, two more than it first acknowledged, received “suspect samples,” as did Australia and South Korea. It had previously only

New research shows immunotherapy targeting several cancers

Immunotherapy, which has shown remarkable success against advanced melanoma skin cancers, is now being used to target other cancers that are tough to treat. The results of several clinical trials were presented on the opening day of the American Society of Clinical Oncology’s (ASCO) annual conference in Chicago on Friday. In some cases, immunotherapy has been shown to completely eradicate cancer.

Drug boosts long-term survival after breast cancer: study

After a diagnosis of localized breast cancer, women are often prescribed tamoxifen for five years to help prevent a recurrence, but researchers said Saturday another drug, anastrazole, may work better. The federally funded phase III study involved more than 3,100 postmenopausal women with a kind of breast cancer known as ductal carcinoma in situ, which was treated by removing the cancerous lump followed by a radiation regimen. Some women were