Posts From King World News

Eisai drug extends survival in patients with rare cancers

A drug made by Japan’s Eisai Co that was originally derived from sea sponges helped extend lives of patients with soft-tissue cancers known as sarcomas by two months, a significant advance for these rare cancers with few treatment options, Belgian researchers said on Saturday. The researchers studied the drug, known as eribulin, in 452 patients with two forms of sarcomas – leiomyosarcoma, which starts in smooth muscles, and adipocytic sarcoma,

J&J multiple myeloma drug offers hope after others stop working: study

An experimental biotech drug being developed by Johnson & Johnson may offer hope to multiple myeloma patients who have run out of options, according to data from a midstage study released at a cancer meeting on Saturday. J&J plans to use the Phase II study to seek U.S. and European approval of its antibody daratumumab to treat the blood cancer. The drug received breakthrough designation from the U.S. Food and