Posts From King World News

Apple's mystery vans are all about improving Apple Maps

Remember those mystery Apple vans tootling around the States a few months ago? No one was quite sure what they were up to, but it’s now become clear that they’re part of Apple’s continued push to get its own mapping service up to scratch. Thanks to some diligent digging by 9to5Mac we know that these camera-equipped automobiles are capturing 3D street view imagery, stills of storefronts, and more besides. The

You're going to have to wait a little longer for your OnePlus 2

After the runaway success of the OnePlus One, anticipation is understandably high for its follow-up, and company co-founder Carl Pei has revealed a few more details about when we can expect to see the next OnePlus flagship phone. Speaking to AusDroid at Google I/O, Pei confirmed that the device is called the OnePlus 2 and not the OnePlus Two. Adjust your web searches and/or birthday wish lists accordingly. He also

Innovators: Great tech innovators: Ray Kurzweil

Age: 67 Company: Google Best known for: Future tech, AI, singularity, inventions Quote: “The power of ideas to transform the world is itself accelerating.” Ray Kurzweil is a futurist – someone who studies the future and predicts where humankind is headed – or rather, perhaps it’s better to say that he’s the futurist. The one whose words and predictions are clung onto and heard in every corner of the tech

Greece continues talks on aid, deal unlikely on Sunday: sources

Athens and its euro zone and International Monetary Fund (IMF) creditors have been locked in talks for months without luck on a deal. Pressure to strike one has intensified as Athens faces a debt payment on June 5 as well as the expiration of its bailout program on June 30. The government said this week it was looking for a deal by Sunday, but sources close to the talks at