Posts From King World News

U.S. top court says 2nd mortgages on 'underwater' homes cannot be voided in bankruptcy

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday handed a win to Bank of America Corp by ruling that a second mortgage on an “underwater” home – one with a mortgage balance exceeding its current value – cannot by voided during bankruptcy. On a unanimous vote, the court ruled against two homeowners, David Caulkett and Edelmiro Toledo-Cardona, in Florida, where many homeowners have struggled to pay their mortgages following the recent housing

U.S. consumer spending flat; manufacturing gains some speed

U.S. consumer spending was unexpectedly flat in April as households cut back on purchases of automobiles and continued to boost savings, suggesting the economy was struggling to gain momentum early in the second quarter. In a separate report, the Institute for Supply Management (ISM) said its index of national factory activity was 52.8 in May, up from April’s reading of 51.5.

Microsoft Readies Windows 10 for Next Month in PC, Tablet Push

Microsoft Corp. is preparing Windows 10 for release on July 29, in time for the back-to-school personal-computer season, as the company tries to boost an ailing PC market and revive its own fortunes in mobile devices. The operating system will be available for PCs and tablets as a free upgrade to people using Windows 7 and Windows 8.1, or on new Windows 10 devices, Microsoft said in a statement Monday.