This Is What A Speculative Mania Looks Like
This is what a speculative mania looks like. But first, look at what is happening with shipping rates…
This is what a speculative mania looks like. But first, look at what is happening with shipping rates…
The price of silver is already hitting a new all-time high in this major currency. Take a look…
There is no question about it, the coming gold and silver mania will be epic!
Here is a special report about real estate blues.
Take a look at these powerful silver and commodity charts.
Today Michael Oliver, the man who is well known for his deadly accurate forecasts on stocks, bonds, and major markets, shared with King World News his thoughts on whether the gold mining stocks will have a significant correction here or not.
Look at what is set to surge a staggering 1250% in the gold and silver sector.
Here is a stunning chart of the housing bubble, plus weak economy has less people renting U-Hauls.
Historic breakouts have unleashed gold and silver. Take a look…
This is what happens when the elites are on the wrong side of the trade, heavily short gold and silver while those markets have traded against them, they simply change the rules.