
Kill Internal Parasites Easily with these 8 Herbs

(NaturalNews) Parasites are more common than most people realize. There are many different kinds. Internally, there’s a pretty good chance that you and a third of the people you know have them. If we consider the possibility that there are many common parasites that we are as of yet…

How to Ward Off 'Grain Brain'

Photo by In his 2013 New York Times best-seller “Grain Brain,” neurologist and functional medicine expert David Perlmutter, MD, warned that eating wheat and sugar—staples of the typical American diet—has a deleterious effect on the brain and body, leading to conditions such as diabetes, depression, insomnia, anxiety, schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Elevated blood sugar levels lead to brain shrinkage, specifically in the areas that determine cognitive

Magnesium crucial to prevent congestive heart failure

(NaturalNews) Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) sounds so darn final. Nobody wants to fail and nobody wants their heart to fail. Merely using that terminology will dis-heart-en a person and steal their hopes for health and healing.CHF occurs when the left ventricle heart muscle fails…

Aspirin May Reduce Risk of Aggressive Prostate Cancer

Photo by Stockbyte/Getty Images As many people know, a daily aspirin can help stave off a heart attack. Apparently, your ticker isn’t the only part of your body that may benefit from a dose of the drug: Aspirin significantly reduces men’s risk of prostate cancer, reveals a new Duke University study, presented at the 13th Annual American Association for Cancer Research Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research Conference , held in New

Dr. Stephen Leeb

Dr. Stephen Leeb: Chairman & Chief Investment Officer of Leeb Capital Management – Dr. Leeb is a registered investment advisor and has been managing big cap growth portfolios since 1999. Over the last decade, his independently-verified performance record has been ranked in the top 5 percent among peers according to Informa’s PSN manager database. Dr. Leeb is a New York Time’s Best Selling author, eight books total on investments and

Andrew Maguire

Andrew Maguire: Whistleblower & Independent London Metals Trader – Andrew has 30 years trading experience, both as an institutional and independent trader. He is an accomplished veteran of the markets. In 2010 Andrew Maguire went public in an exclusive King World News interview and disclosed his notification to the United States regulators at the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) of fraud being committed and price manipulation in the…