
Acid reflux – Three classic home remedies

(NaturalNews) Acid reflux is a common medical condition in which digestive acids rise from the stomach into the esophagus. This causes the esophagus (the passage between the pharynx and the stomach) to become irritated, resulting in a burning sensation which, in the most acute cases…

The Art of Active Sitting

Photography by Kenneth Willardt/ Spending eight-plus hours at your desk doesn’t have to ruin your body. By Wendy Schmid, Q by Equinox You’ve heard the news by now: Sitting is the new smoking. It’s been linked to an increased risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and early death. Yes, indeed, says Vladimir Friedman, DC, CCSP, of Accelicare Sports Chiropractic in Manhattan.

4 serious risks & problems with mammograms

(NaturalNews) Even though mammography is the most widely used screening method for breast cancer, there are a number of valid arguments for alternative methods. Research has shown that mammograms are not the definitive answer to early detection, and in fact, can often cause more problems…

Why You Shouldn't Drink Warm Bottled Water

Photo by Henrik Sorensen/Digital Vision/ A few years back, rumors circulated that Sheryl Crow claimed drinking bottled water left in a hot car gave her breast cancer. The result? Since then, the worry over plastic bottles leaching dangerous chemicals into our water has never quite disappeared — and perhaps for good reason, suggests a new study published in the September edition of Environmental Pollution. Scientists from Nanjing University in China and the

The Planks You Should Be Doing (But Probably Aren't)

Now that the plank has effectively supplanted the crunch as the go-to core-strengthener, exercisers have placed a premium on their ability to hold the toning move—the longer, the better. As one-minute planks gave way to three-minute planks, and three-minute planks evolved into ten-minute planks, marathon plank-holding has become a calling card of sorts. But, according to Equinox experts, in terms of your fitness progression, it’s an exercise in futility, as

Men Can Cut Their Heart Attack Risk By 86 Percent. So Why Don't They?

Photo by Listen up, men: A new study has found a way for you to reduce your chances of having a heart attack by a whopping 86 percent. “That is the basic question that health psychologists have been examining for the past 30 to 40 years,” James Maddux, a psychologist specializing in the prevention of disease through lifestyle change at George Mason University, told Yahoo Health.

Taking Prenatal Iron May Lower Your Child's Risk of Autism

Photo by Moms-to-be looking for a way to cut down the chances of their kid having autism might start by being vigilant about taking prenatal iron supplements. “This is the first study to demonstrate that maternal iron intake might be associated with autism in the child,” lead researcher Rebecca Schmidt, an assistant professor in the department of Public Health Sciences, told Yahoo Health. In addition, it has been known for