
U.S. FDA panel favors new safety information on AstraZeneca's Onglyza

AstraZeneca Plc’s diabetes drug Onglyza should include new safety information about the risk of heart failure, an advisory panel to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration concluded on Tuesday. The panel voted overwhelmingly that the drug’s label should be changed to add information about an increased heart failure risk, but did not express concern about the overall cardiovascular risk profile of the drug. The FDA is not obliged to follow

Despite conflict, qat is out the bag in Yemen

By Mohammed Mukhashaf ADEN (Reuters) – Civil war may be tearing Yemen apart but every afternoon combatants set aside the struggle for the country’s future to stuff their cheeks with wads of the narcotic green leaf, qat. The national pastime of chewing qat is one of the few certainties in a nation turned upside down by air strikes and street fighting. Three weeks of Saudi-led air strikes aimed at stemming

Drive This Crazy, 503-hp, AWD VW GTI … On Your Playstation

The Gran Turismo series has gone way beyond just a racing simulator game. With the Vision GT design series, real-life automakers dream up digital concept racers and unleash them into the hands of Playstation players the world over. Some, like Chevy’s Chaparral 2X VGT, are sci-fi spaceships that couldn’t possibly turn a wheel in real life. Some, though, hew at least a little bit closer to reality. Here’s what VW is bringing