
Eat blueberries to live a longer life

(NaturalNews) Sometimes foods that are healthy don’t always appeal to a large number of people. Blueberries are an exception, however – they are both delicious and nutritious. Blueberries are truly one of the great superfoods for so many reasons. Although they can satisfy a sweet…

Top 6 scary warnings about vaccines and flu shots

(NaturalNews) You read the ingredients on food products all the time, so why haven’t you ever read the inserts that come with vaccines and flu shots? Have you ever read the side effects, the ingredients or the warnings, even once? Don’t you think it’s time? Oh wait, so you didn’t…

Rose hips: A gift from autumn hedgerows

(NaturalNews) While people who have grown up in the city might not be aware of what exactly rose hips are, for people who garden or have grown up in more rural areas, rose hips are a familiar sight in the autumn. Rose hips are essentially the berry of the rose plant. They are the…