
Mercedes-AMG Teases New C63 Coupe on Its Facebook Page

– Mercedes-Benz hasn’t shown us any versions of its upcoming C-Class coupe yet, although we’re fairly sure it’ll look something like this. Today, however, Mercedes-Benz has provided a glimpse of one the hot Mercedes-AMG C63 version of the car on its Facebook page, and we’ve grabbed a few of those images—the only ones that show much of the car—for your scrutiny and enjoyment. – Let’s take inventory of what we can

Ford Drops Details on Shelby GT350R’s Awesome Carbon-Fiber Wheels

-The absolutely evil sounding, track-ready Ford Mustang Shelby GT350R is a racing-inspired marvel among mass-produced cars, a fact that’s most clearly highlighted by the wheels Ford is putting on the thing: R models come from the factory with carbon-fiber wheels, a distinction previously reserved for a handful of special-order Koenigsegg hypercars. – We’ve known this fact since the Shelby GT350 and GT350R debuted late last year, but today Ford released

Background check mix-up let suspected Charleston shooter buy gun: FBI

The suspect in the killings of nine black churchgoers in Charleston, South Carolina, was able to buy a gun because of mistakes in a background check that should have revealed an admission of drug possession, Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey said on Friday. The examiner of suspect Dylann Roof’s federal background check did not see a police report in which Roof admitted to drug possession, which would have

Exclusive: At White House, 30-day sprint kicks off cyber marathon to stop intrusions

It’s not unique to the federal government,” said Tony Scott, who spent 35 years in the private sector running systems at companies such as Microsoft Corp, Walt Disney Co and General Motors Co. Scott was named as the federal CIO in February and knew from the start that stepping up cyber defenses would be a focus. The hacks have created a political firestorm and led on Friday to the resignation

Judge in drought-hit California blocks water cut orders for some farmers

California regulators violated the rights of some farmers by demanding mandatory water cutbacks without giving them a prior hearing, a state judge ruled on Friday. California is in the fourth year of a catastrophic drought that has cost its farm sector billions, and prompted the state’s first-ever mandatory cutbacks in urban water use. Sacramento Superior Court Shelleyanne Chang issued a temporary order restraining the state from punishing four Central Valley

In Los Angeles, Trump speaks out on undocumented immigrants

By Phoenix Tso LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump met in Los Angeles on Friday with families whose loved ones were killed by undocumented immigrants, saying U.S. immigration policy has allowed criminals from other countries to find sanctuary in American borders. “People came into the country illegally and killed their children,” Trump said at a press conference at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel on Friday. During his speech,