
Children among 13 dead in Syria regime air raids

Thirteen civilians, among them seven children, were killed in aerial attacks by Syria’s government Wednesday on the northern province of Aleppo, a monitoring group said. “A woman and her three children, as well as another child, were killed when helicopters dropped a barrel bomb on the village of Taduf,” said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. Taduf, which lies in the northeast of Syria’s Aleppo province, is controlled by the

EU publishes Greece assessment, sees debt reprofiling

A day after the IMF published its latest assessment, saying Greece would require extensive debt relief from its mostly euro zone sovereign creditors, the EU executive’s note said the Greek debt-to-GDP ratio would be 150 percent in 2022 if Athens implemented reforms, but could reach 176 percent if it did not. The IMF, which contributed to the Commission assessment made last week, expects a debt-to-GDP ratio in 2022 of 170

Obama: Prison rape is no joke

The president is calling for sweeping reforms to fix a criminal justice system he says is “skewed by race and wealth” and plagued with problems in its prisons. Among them: Overcrowding, gang activity, and rape.

Sanofi announces reorganisation ahead of strategic plan

Sanofi will adopt a simplified structure centred around five global business units starting in January 2016 to promote growth, the French drugmaker said on Wednesday, as it prepares a new strategic plan to be unveiled in November. The company said the five would be: general medicines & emerging markets, specialty care, diabetes & cardiovascular, Sanofi Pasteur for vaccines, and Merial for animal health. The composition of Sanofi’s executive committee remains

Jurors begin deliberating in Colorado movie massacre trial

By Keith Coffman DENVER (Reuters) – Jurors in Colorado’s movie massacre trial began deliberating on Wednesday on the fate of gunman James Holmes, who has pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity to multiple counts of murder and attempted murder stemming from the July 2012 rampage. Holmes, a 27-year-old former neuroscience graduate student from California, could face the death penalty if he is convicted of opening fire inside a midnight

Revolutionary Way to Be Healthy #10: See the Bigger Picture

Typically, when we want to check our health and fitness progress, we step on the scale or look in the mirror. But when it comes to well-being, what you see isn’t always what you get — or at least, not all that you get.We’ve been inclined to believe that pursuing health and fitness is predominantly self-focused, and that we alone stand to…

Burkina Faso presidential hopefuls urged to tackle early, forced marriage

By Kieran Guilbert LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Burkina Faso’s presidential candidates must commit to tackling forced and early marriage and improving access to contraception, sex education and health services for women and girls ahead of elections in October, a rights group said on Wednesday. While gender equality is protected under the country’s constitution and law, widespread forced and early marriage and unwanted pregnancies have reduced hundreds of thousands of

Marrying Health and Human Rights: How LGBT Health and Population Health Will Improve Because of Marriage Equality

In ruling that the 14th Amendment requires states to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples and recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states, the U.S. Supreme Court, in Obergefell vs. Hodges, not only addressed a fundamental issue of equality, but may have unwittingly contributed to improved public health.Consider the research…