
Asterias's stem cell therapy shows promise in study

Asterias Biotherapeutics Inc said initial data from a small study showed that its lead stem cell therapy could improve mobility in patients paralyzed by a spinal cord injury. Shares of BioTime Inc, a company that owns nearly 70 percent of Asterias, were little changed at $3.07. Its success is a key step toward proving that embryonic stem cell research could cure diseases such as cancer, Parkinson’s and serious health conditions

Knee and hip replacements increase heart attack risk briefly

By Kathryn Doyle (Reuters Health) – Operations to replace a knee or a hip appear to increase heart attack risk in the short term and the risk of blood clots in the long term, according to a new study. The heart attack risk falls again over time, but blood clot risk is still elevated years later, the researchers found. The reason for the elevated risks is unclear at this point,

Where Figs Grow

Out of nothing, something emerges. Swiftly, matter fills air. That nothing, of course, is always something. And that something is never nothing. Empty space is vast & full of life. Ready to bloom. Nectar in the ether.There’s sweet nothingness in your life on the verge to emerge. Right now taking shape on earth, pouring forth from the pulse…

France to build Calais camp for 1,500 migrants

By Pierre Savary CALAIS, France (Reuters) – France plans to build a camp this winter for as many as 1,500 migrants in the northern port city of Calais where twice that many are living in tents and hoping to make the sea-crossing to Britain. European Commission Vice-President Frans Timmermans, visiting Calais with French Prime Minister Manuel Valls, said the Commission would contribute 5 million euros ($5.6 million) to the new