
EU summons leaders for refugee crisis summit next Wednesday

The European Union has announced an emergency summit in Brussels next Wednesday in a bid to find solutions to the continent’s worst refugee crisis since World War II. “I convene an extra EUCO (summit) on Wednesday 23 September at 18h (1600 GMT) to discuss how to deal with the refugee crisis,” Tusk said in a tweet. German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her Austrian counterpart Werner Faymann had called for a

Energy Drinks Tied To Brain Injuries In Teens

Teens who drink energy drinks a lot are more likely to get head injuries than those who don’t consume the highly caffeinated beverages, a new study from Canada suggests.Researchers analyzed information from a survey of more than 10,000 middle and high school students ages 11 to 20 in Ontario in 2013. Students were asked about their energy…

Artificial pancreas provides better real-world control of type 1 diabetes

By Gene Emery (Reuters Health) – A system that combines frequent blood sugar measurements with software that varies the rate at which insulin is pumped into the body can significantly improve glucose control in type 1 diabetics, researchers say. More importantly, they were done under real-world conditions, said Aaron J. Kowalski, vice president for research at JDRF, formerly the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, which helped sponsor the study. “Many people

Expect more sex abuse cases in Central African Republic: UN force chief

By Tom Esslemont LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – The head of the United Nations stabilisation force in the Central African Republic, Parfait Onanga-Anyanga, has said there must be no mercy for peacekeepers who commit sexual abuse offences, adding that he expected more cases to come to light. The 11,000-strong security force, known as MINUSCA, has been mired in a series of sex abuse scandals sparked by the revelation earlier this

Scientists create human sperm in lab, but does it work?

French researchers said Thursday they had patented a method to create sperm using stem cells harvested from infertile men — though they do not know if the lab-fabricated seed actually works. The team hailed their technique as a step towards solving male infertility, but admitted it would take several years before the “quality” of the sperm will be confirmed. It involved recreating, outside the human body, the fluid in which