
Back on track? Nigeria's oil refineries resume production

Africa’s biggest oil producer — is finally “domesticating” the refining of crude into products, thus improving its energy security and ending a reliance on costly imports. The talk is of job creation, national pride and the chance to help revive an economy badly hurt by the fall in global oil prices as well as providing fuel for the increasing demands of a growing population. “To give up on the refineries

Michael Pento: Broadcast Interview – Available Now

Michael Pento: President of Pento Portfolio Strategies – Michael is a well-established specialist in the “Austrian School” of economics. A regular on CNBC, Bloomberg, Fox Business, King World News and other national media outlets and his market analysis can be read in most major financial publications….

Michael Pento

Michael Pento: President of Pento Portfolio Strategies – Michael is a well-established specialist in the “Austrian School” of economics. A regular on CNBC, Bloomberg, Fox Business, King World News and other national media outlets and his market analysis can be read in most major financial publications….