Posts From King World News

20,000 California nurses go on strike over Ebola fears

(NaturalNews) Close to 20,000 California nurses walked off the job on Tuesday in protest of working conditions that they and their union say are inadequate for protecting against Ebola. Reuters reports that the two-day strike occurred at 86 hospitals and clinics operated by Kaiser…

Five rules for living a long, healthy life

(NaturalNews) There’s nothing complicated about living to a ripe old age with few health problems. The keys to longevity are clear and simple — all you have to do is follow five basic rules:Don’t smokeDrink in moderationEat healthyExercise dailyKeep your weight downIf it seems…

Natural Remedies for Migraines

(NaturalNews) There is s strong belief in the natural health community of one disease, one cause. In other words, the body, if cleansed of toxins and given proper nutrition, will heal itself. All disease begins at a cellular level. There is also a consensus that health starts in the…