Posts From King World News

The medical shadow government

(NaturalNews) Story by Jon Rappoport, republished from the last 50 years, tireless researchers have uncovered and revealed the existence of various elites that control governments and populations:Banks, super-banks, the military…

Foods that detox heavy metals – with tonic recipe

(NaturalNews) In today’s toxic world, we absorb, inhale, and ingest chemicals and heavy metals on a daily basis. Bad bacteria and Candida ooze toxins as a part of their metabolism and as they die off. Bi-annual detoxes help to cleanse your body and remove these highly toxic substances…

America: a police state gone wild

(NaturalNews) Simone Weil, a 20th century French philosopher and political activist, once wrote:Whether the mask is labeled fascism, democracy, or dictatorship of the proletariat, our great adversary remains the apparatus–the bureaucracy, the police, the military. Not the one…