Posts From King World News

Ben Davies

Ben Davies: Co-Founder & CEO of Hinde Capital – Ben is recognized as one of the top fund managers in the gold, silver and commodities arena. His interviews are considered a must hear for all KWN listeners. Ben is a regular on CNBC, Bloomberg, Sky Business News and also occasional speaker at the London Gold Conference. Ben ran trading for RBS Greenwich Capital…

Looking for safe cookware? Try cast iron

(NaturalNews) With so many different types of cookware on the market today, making the best and safest choices for our families can be a challenge. But tried-and-true cast iron is still among the most durable and non-toxic types of cookware available — and if you know how to use…

How Much Interest Has Your Food "Bank" Earned This Year?

(NaturalNews) In these days of declining paychecks and rising prices, people are hard pressed to get the most for their money. With every new dollar that is printed the value of your hard earned savings decreases and much buying power is lost. The conventional way to offset this decrease…

A Complete Guide To Being A Thought Criminal

(NaturalNews) A question posed by a reader has kept my mind churning ever since it was asked. The question itself was genuine and expressed a desire to change the world for the better, but hinted that he was resigned to the fact that it would get worse before it gets better. This…