Posts From King World News

Friday, February 27: Today in Gold and Silver

NEW YORK (TheStreet) — The gold rally that began in Far East trading on their Thursday morning got capped at, or shortly after, the London a.m. gold fix—and then once the COMEX opened, that was that.  By the close of London trading at 11 a.m. EST, the not-for-profit sellers had the gold price back in the box—and from there it chopped quietly sideways into 5:15 p.m. close of electronic trading.

MMR vaccines contain cells from aborted human babies

(NaturalNews) The recent hysteria propagated by the dinosaur media regarding the latest measles outbreak is beyond illogical and simply based on a patchwork of lies and misinformation. News of the recent “Disneyland measles outbreak” has brought forth a sudden myriad of self-proclaimed…

10 delicious herbal teas for holistic healing

(NaturalNews) Herbal teas have been used for millennia to treat minor ailments such as colds and fever but are also highly effective for treating and preventing everything from stomach and respiratory problems to depression and sleep disorders.Whether you’re stockpiling essential…